There are many ways of promoting site traffic. However, using social media marketing to boost traffic to websites has emerged rather recently and has already developed a reputation of being an effective one. According to Hubspot, in 2014, 92% of marketers claimed the importance of social media marketing for their business. Out of those, a staggering 80% indicated that it increased traffic to their websites.
Social Media Examiner reported that about 97% of marketers are participating in social media currently; however, 85% of participants aren’t sure which social media tools to use. This indicates a huge potential of increasing website traffic, provided you do it the right way. So, how do social media do what it claims to be capable of?
Diversification Is Good
Even though Google remains the top choice for many people, it does seem keen to make life difficult for website owners. Certain updates of Google often lead to a drop in traffic referred to search engines. Branching out and using more than one-way to promote your website ensures traffic to it, even if one door closes.
Get Recognized
Your website has its own voice and unique content. Every opportunity you can use to let others know about it is an opportunity that should not be missed. Frequent users of a particular social network may come across your website in a newsfeed for the first time. It even makes you easier and more accessible to new apathetic customers while making you more recognizable for existing ones.
A Gift That Keeps On Giving
As the number of social media users keeps on growing, this shows that users are actually spending more time on Facebook than on Google. A larger number of social networking audience means the traffic opportunities through the aforementioned networking sites will grow right alongside with it.
Inbound links to your website is an easy way to generate traffic since Google indexes your Twitter updates, as well as your social networking profiles.
Once your website is listed on your Twitter, Facebook, or other popular social media platforms, this will drive the right people to it. Only a person who is interested in what you’re selling (or saying) is going to click on the link to your website. This is the result of directly targeting the right audience!
Get In The Game
Do not let your competitors poach your potential social media traffic, since they’re already in the game and you aren’t! If your competitors don’t know how to tweet, that is all the better for you! The world is yours for the taking; you just have to get in the game.
Stay Connected
One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is that it allows you to not only connect with your users, but also to stay connected! Once your twitter account has followers or a Facebook user has liked your page, you can get the word out to them, whatever you want and whenever you want. It is effective because it allows for targeted marketing at the right time.
Another advantage of staying connected is that even if your Google ranking drops, your user will not end up on your competitor’s website. They would know how and from where to reach you!
Refer Them To Me
Many users visit a website on the suggestion made by a friend. First visits have a greater chance of becoming repeat visits given the friend’s recommendation. A deeper connection with the website develops when it is referred to you by your friend is a possibility and would mean good news for the business owner.
Better Listener
Social media marketing turns you into a better listener! Not only do you gain valuable information about what interests your customers or how they behave, you also gain valuable customer insights about what people think of your business. Which topics generate the highest amount of interest is the kind of information that lands directly into your lap! The next step is to produce more content of that type. Promotions posted on social media channels will eventually lead you to the perfect combination to generate revenue or more traffic.
Make New Friends
You don’t just want the people already familiar with your website to be the only inbound traffic it receives. With social media, every profile you add is another path on the road map that brings them to your site. Quality content on those profiles means another opportunity for a new visitor, which means more traffic, leading to more conversions.
Flying Off To New Horizons
Tap into sources that are known widely. There are other things to try, such as making a profile on LinkedIn to utilize social media. Once just a site for finding employment, LinkedIn has broadened and become a valuable publishing platform. Do give it a try. Webinars, Slideshare and Scribd are other facets to check out. Create a Youtube channel or a Google+ page. Be sure to embed the link to your website when trying out these new avenues.
Look at me, I’m Friendly!
When you interact with your regular customers, it shows good faith to new or potential ones. People turn to social media to compliment a product or service. When they post your name, you could gain a new audience, even if they just start by following you. More people talking about you on social media means higher brand authority. Interacting with major influencers on social networks will cause your visible authority to skyrocket. So be active on the media, very active!
I Deserve Special Treatment
Interacting with your regulars via the social media makes it possible for you to acknowledge them publicly. Whenever someone reaches out to you, acknowledge them. We all want to feel special and to be cared about; social media helps you with that.
A Picture Speaks Louder Than Words… Or Not
While tweeting about your website, adding a video to your tweet or an animated GIF would attract more people. The rule is turned on its head when posting on Facebook; those users are more likely to click on a post that is only text based. Knowing your market is bound to increase traffic and social media will help with that.
Always Be On Time
Tweet on time. With facilities like Now Trending, you will always stay abreast of the current news and topics in vogue. Once you interweave yourself into such a tweet skillfully, you will hit the jackpot! It is all in the tweeting! Social media now lets you be fully present in the now and use it to your advantage while letting you peek into the upcoming trends. Link to custom hash tags for current events, such as the Oscars, to do your work for you. There is no end to possibilities!
When you’re using the social media, the world itself becomes your link to linking! Made your profile(s) yet? Hope to see you on the other side!
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