Email marketing is considered to be the most effective and sales increasing online marketing there is. This means that you need to make sure that not only do your emails get opened, but that they also have high click-through rates. In order to ensure that you are achieving your target through email marketing, the one most important thing that you need to do is engage your audience. And how can that be done? There are plenty of ways, you only need to focus on them, plan out a strategy and start emailing away. Here are some of the things that you can try.
Promotional Introductory Email
This is a must, because if you do not send out an introductory email, it is like inviting someone for dinner and not even bothering to greet them. As soon as someone joins your newsletter list, make sure you send them an introductory email that welcomes them and provide them some general information about you. Also, it would be a nice touch if you offer them some kind of a deal or discount as a way of thanking them. There is nothing that captures the attention of the clients than a free or discounted gift item.
Personalization and Customization
Your email should, from the very start, focus on getting personal with the prospects or clients. This does not imply that you do not respect them or become overly personal, just that you refer to them by their names and somewhat customize the email so that the viewer can feel that you are particularly trying to engage with them.
One more thing. Give the new prospective customers a chance to get in touch with you. Make sure you give an email address and respond immediately when you get a query. This is the one place where you simply can’t slack off.
Catchy Subject and Compelling Call to Action
Why would anyone want to open your email if it is like a dozen other presents in their inbox? This means that the one email they are able to see immediately is the one that you send out. The only way to achieve this is when your subject of email is catchy. One way is to make the subject urgent so that people are forced into checking out what it is that you have on offer. Referring to the receiver also creates intrigue, as does some kind of mystery that would only be unraveled when the person opens that email. Standing out among all the other emails is what is going to keep you prominent in the eyes of your target audience.
The second most important thing to keep the interest of your customers alive is to give them a clear cut call to action that they can follow. If, even by the end of the email, they are unable to figure out what is expected of them, then you have failed. This is the reason that your call to action needs to be very obvious and direct. Also, make sure it is placed at least twice in an email so that if someone misses it the first time, they can get to it the second time.
Make Them a Part of the Newsletter
Who does not like attention? By giving it to the right person, you can make all the difference to your email list. Since you are into online marketing, you must have social media pages where you hold regular discussions on one thing or the other. These discussions mean that all your loyal audience is active and participating regularly. Well, why don’t you show that not only have you noticed this, but also appreciate the stimulating and interesting point of views?
What you can do is pick out the best conversation on your social media websites and feature it in your newsletter. You will be surprised by the reaction you get. People love seeing their name in print and when you give them this much space, they are bound to become more active, as well as share their views with other people. This way, more and more people will want to become a part of not only your social media websites, but will also sign up for your newsletter!
Make Sharing Really is Caring
What is the easiest way to make sure that your clients are not only connected to you but also help in bringing more customers to your newsletter list? Let them share your newsletter. Did you know that there are literally dozens of your followers who simply do not have the time to go through your business blogs and instead prefer to take help from your newsletters? What this means is that they like your newsletter, and by giving them the option to share it easily, more people will be willing to sign-up to become a part of your circle.
All you need to do is insert social media links into the emails that you send out. The sharing tab would ensure that your readers can directly post whatever they read in your email onto their social media pages. You save time for your customers, they will bring more prospects.
Make THit Where it Feels
When it comes to the content of your email message, make sure that it is significant to the reader. Why would they want to even visit your website, let alone buy the product or services that you are offering? So what is the one thing that tugs at the heart of every single individual? Emotions! This is how big names like Coca Cola, Samsung, Kodak or even McDonald’s. What you are trying to achieve here is a connection with your clients, let them see the humane side to your business by appealing to their feelings. You can create videos, infographs, images, or even written content that inspires your consumers into not only following you, but becoming associated with you. Trust us, there is nothing that works better than how you can make your prospective customers or customers feel.
Now that you know all the ways that you can capture and retain the attention of your email list, make sure you plan and devise a strategy before jumping on the bandwagon and starting out all the ideas mentioned in this article. Try one thing at a time and you will see that not only are your audiences hooked to what you are giving them, but also increase your sales over the coming weeks. Always keep the preferences and ideology of your target audience in mind when you decide to gain and retain the attention of your prospects and clients.
Best of luck!
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